Over 100 Acres of Natural Beauty
Enjoy the beauty and serenity of this spiritual center. We ask that you respect the sacredness of the land and be sensitive to the needs of visitors and residents. If traveling from a distance, please contact us before-hand to confirm timings, as hours and access sometimes change.
Visiting Hours: 7am – Sunset
Guest Policies
All must agree to abide by our community’s practice of vegetarianism, non-smoking, and abstention from alcohol and recreational drugs during their visit.
Please stay on paved surfaces and clearly marked pathways, keep pets on leash, and respect the private residential areas.
When walking the grounds, please keep chatter and cell phone usage to a minimum. Please pick up after your pet; there is a waste station with bags adjacent to the Bookshop. Thank you for your respect and cooperation.
Sanctuary of Connections

Krotona Institute’s Sanctuary of Connections provides a quiet place where those of diverse or no faith can walk the links connecting each tradition.

The labyrinth at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy is a meandering pattern of the seven-circuit Cretan type, with its path delineated by stones.

There are a number of comfortable apartments with kitchens available for students and faculty, and a guesthouse for those who want to stay on a personal retreat.
Explore our wide variety of flora and fauna.
Birds of Krotona

Krotona sits atop a hill in the Ojai Valley, and as such is a natural attraction for a wide variety of bird species. Our bird guide will help you discover and identify all of the many kinds of birds that visit us here.
Native Plants of Southern California

The breathtaking mediterranean climate of Southern California allows for a large array of plants, trees, and flowers. Download our guide and visit our Native Plant Garden to learn more about our beautiful flora.
Krotona School
46 Krotona Street
Ojai CA 93023
805 646–1139
Library Hours
Wednesday – Saturday 12:00 – 5:00pm
Sunday 1:00 – 5:00pm
805 646–2653
Bookshop Hours
Wednesday – Saturday 12:00 – 5:00pm
Sunday 1:00 – 5:00pm
805 646–0873
Krotona Institute
2 Krotona Street
Ojai CA 93023