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Catherine Ann Jones

Great Films as Portals to Timeless Themes

Onsite Krotona Hall

Mondays, September 23, 30, October 7, 14

6:30 – 8:30 pm

The essence of Theosophy is the perfect harmonizing

of the divine with the human in Man.

       H.P. Blavatsky

Film is without question the medium of our times. Producer David Putnam (Chariots of Fire, the Mission) once said, “If films were what they might be, there would be no need to go to church.” Four films will be screened – not for entertainment alone – but as a catalyst to explore universal facets of human experience and philosophical themes. Catherine will introduce each film briefly. After screening an open dialogue will follow.

Single Session $15 Series $50, Students by donation

 Click here to register or pay at the door.

September 23 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010) A Werner Herzog documentary explores the 32,000 year-old Chauvet cave drawings in Southern France.

September 30 Celtic Pilgrimage with John O’Donohue (2011) This documentary weaves together personal history and stunning imagery, revealing the Ireland that gave rise to the spiritual wisdom of the Celts.

October 7 Abhishktanda: An Interior Journey (2005) Henri de Saux (Swami Abhishktanda) A French monk in India struggles between God and Self. (Documentary)

October 14 Amazing Grace (2002) A UK feature film with Albert Finney tells the story of the end of slavery in England.

Catherine Ann Jones, M.A. in Depth Psychology, is an award-winning author, playwright, and screenwriter (The Christmas Wife, Unlikely Angel, Touched by an Angel series) and author of eight books. A Fulbright Research Scholar to India with over 30 years of teaching experience at The New School University (NYC) and U.S.C. Film School (LA), she has presented workshops at the Esalen and Omega Institutes, and in Europe and Asia. Her six online courses at DailyOM have drawn over 60,000 subscribers. Blog, workshop schedule, writing and personal consultations:


Gerry Kiffe

The Art of Self-Renewal:

Implementing Mother Nature’s Mantra:

Little by Little

Onsite and Zoom

Saturday, September 28 10 am – noon, 2 -4 pm PDT

Life is a long series of challenges and presents us with many ups and downs. How do we build a strong inner life to steady our ship through turbulent waters? Theosophy is the philosophy of Nature herself and provides us with many clues to address this question. We all need regular do overs and restarts. We will draw on cinema, literature, sacred texts, and each other to explore the Art of Self-Renewal.

Single session $15, Morning and afternoon $25

Click here to register

Gerry Kiffe is a member and student of The United Lodge of Theosophists since 1974. He is one of the founding members of the Universal Theosophy Web site ( which houses a significant portion of modern and ancient theosophical literature. Gerry moderates many theosophical discussion groups online and gives presentations on theosophical philosophy both online and in person in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Ojai and online.


Pablo and Michele Sender

Exploring Fear, Worry, and Sadness:

A Spiritual Perspective

Onsite and Zoom

October 1 – 4 Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 1 pm PDT

In today’s rapidly changing world, fear, worry, and sadness have become increasingly prevalent, affecting individuals across all walks of life. As these emotional challenges continue to grow, it becomes essential to learn how to approach them from a deeper, more holistic perspective. This 4-day interactive course offers a unique opportunity to understand these common psychological experiences through the lens of Theosophical teachings. Examining their root causes beyond surface-level symptoms, this program will also explore practices that aim at more than merely coping with them. Participants will engage in a balanced blend of study and practice, fostering both intellectual understanding and personal growth. For this, the course will offer morning sessions devoted to the exploration of Theosophical insights along with practical exercises and interactive activities. Whether you are a long-time student of Theosophy or new to the concepts, this program will help you gain deeper self-knowledge to understand fear, worry, and sadness from a spiritual perspective; and learn practical tools to work through these emotions in your daily life.

Single Session $15, Series $50

Click here to register.

Pablo Sender, PhD, joined the Theosophical Society in 1996 in Argentina. He has lived and worked at the international headquarters of the TS in Adyar, India, at the national center of the TS in America, and is currently residing in the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, California. He has presented programs and retreats in India, Europe, Oceania, and the three Americas. He writes for many Theosophical journals and is the author of The Evolution of the Higher Consciousness and Approaching the Secret Doctrine.

Michele Sender has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 2006. She lived and worked at the national headquarters of the TS in America and is currently part of the community at Krotona Institute of Theosophy. She has a degree in education and has given lectures, classes, and seminars on Theosophy and its practical application in daily life both in the US and abroad. She is the founder of Fohat Productions, a publishing company created to share the living power of Theosophy.


Judi Vanderhaar

Engaging Skills to Help Youth Navigate the Chaos of Their World

Onsite and Zoom

Saturday October 5

10 am – noon, 2 – 4 pm PDT

Adolescence remains a perplexing experience for any individual, so imagine what it might be like for young people today in the world we all find ourselves. This presentation will explore ways to distinguish between normal adolescent changes and what may be a mental health or substance use issue. Participants will also practice the skills necessary to be confident when supporting someone in distress. Theosophist Annie Besant encouraged us to embrace pain as a transformative force in our lives to help us grow. To this end, we will also explore ways to access and strengthen, for ourselves and youth, the sources of resilience needed to support our journeys onward. This program is for anyone who is interested in supporting young people navigating these times – whether you are a parent, teacher, mentor, or community member.

Single session $15 Series $25

Click here to register.

Judi Vanderhaar received her master’s degree in Sociology and a PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of Louisville.  She works for the Kentucky Department of Education in the Division of Student Success focusing on systems for dropout prevention, educator training in trauma informed practices, Youth Mental Health First Aid, trauma-sensitive mindfulness, and Sources of Strength.  Her work has been presented nationally and published in outlets such as Educational Leadership, Review of Research in Education, and Closing the School Discipline Gap.  Dr. Vanderhaar has worked for over two decades as a youth mentor and with community groups in different capacities across domains including disconnected youth, incarcerated parents, and youth in residential foster care.  She has been practicing and studying matters of the spirit for over 25 years and is a grateful student of Theosophy.


Tuesday Evenings with Annie Besant: A Centennial Offering

October 8, November 12, and December 10

6:30 -7:30 pm

Onsite only

When Annie Wood Besant (1847-1933) joined the Theosophical Society in 1889, she swiftly rose to a position of leadership, eventually becoming its President on the death of Col. H.S. Olcott in 1907. She was tireless in service, for to her the theosophical philosophy was meant to be practical, to speak to the human condition and to the conditions of life in all its forms. Above all, the question is still asked: Can we live and work in the world as it is, and at the same time lead a spiritual and therefore meaningful life? And is there a way of life, an ethic, which aids us in our quest for wisdom? Dr. Besant’s answers to these questions, as well as to similar ones that arise in the earnest student’s mind, speak to us today as they did to her audiences then. (Joy Mills’ Foreword to The Spiritual Life, a compilation of Besant lectures, Quest Books, TPH, Wheaton, 2001.)

Annie Besant inspired the founding of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy and supported its move to Ojai CA in 1924. She has influenced either directly or indirectly the formation of many other educational, spiritual, and environmental centers in the Ojai Valley, and is known as one of Ojai’s “founding mothers and fathers.” Tuesdays with Annie Besant are informal discussions facilitated by TS members inspired by her life and work.

All are welcome as our guests.

October 8 The Supreme Duty An address given at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893 (Ananya Sri Ram)

November 12 The Super-Physical Consciousness. From the chapter, “Human States of Consciousness” from A Study in Consciousness (Annine Wycherley)

December 10 The Doctrine of the Heart Shared extracts from letters Besant wrote to Indian friends that provided insight and comfort (Susan Johnson)


Peggy Huebel, Ananya Sri Ram, Maria Parisen

Reflections: From Inner to Outer Transformation

Onsite and Zoom

October 11 – 13

Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 am – noon and 2 – 4 pm, Sunday 10 am – noon PTD

In 1991, Joy Mills lectured on H.P. Blavatsky’s classic, The Voice of the Silence, for the International Theosophical Centre, Naarden, Holland. Respected and admired worldwide for her deep study and understanding of the Ageless Wisdom, Joy Mills was a beloved teacher, author, and friend. Her four lectures, titled “From Inner to Outer Transformation,” reflect the insights gained in years of dedicated theosophical research, emphasizing the importance of a radical change in human consciousness. Our sessions offer commentary and reflective activities for each of her lectures.

Single session $15 Series $50

Click here to register.

Peggy Huebel has been a life-member of the Theosophical Society for 47 years and is currently one of two western district directors for the Theosophical Society in America. She has served either as president or as secretary of her local branch, the Oakland, CA since joining in 1977.  She is also a graduate of the Partners in Theosophy initiative, attending regularly to assist the new students’ progress in program development and presenting. A significant part of her life-philosophy is to live in the light of theosophical ideals as best she can; that her theosophical interests consist of “all of it” but most specifically in helping those who are searching for meaning and purpose in today’s fragmented world.

Ananya Sri Ram comes from a family of theosophists. She has been a student of spirituality and Theosophy since 1983 and incorporates theosophical principles into her practice as a licensed therapist. An author of various theosophical articles, she is past president of the Theosophical Order of Service, USA and presently lives and works at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy.

Maria Parisen has been a TS member since 1969 and active for 40 years in the Detroit lodge. She has served on the national boards of the Theosophical Society in America, the Theosophical Order of Service and currently the Krotona Institute. A resident of Krotona since 2003, and director of its School of Theosophy for 15 years, she has taught for the TS internationally and compiled the Quest anthology Angels and Mortals: Their Co-Creative Power.


Dr. Nelda Samarel

Therapeutic Touch Workshop: Using Energy for Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Healing

Onsite only

October 29 – November 1.

Tuesday – Friday 10 am – noon

Therapeutic touch (TT) is a form of energy healing that offers a path to better health. Its goal is to assist recipients to restore well-being at all levels. TT is particularly useful for treating stress-related conditions, relieving pain, healing wounds, and boosting the immune system. It complements medical care and supports healing for people of all ages and states of health or illness. The technique is gentle, simple to learn, and requires no direct physical contact. Through supervised practice, participants in this workshop will learn beginning skills in TT, as well as gain an understanding of its underlying principles. A certificate of attendance will be provided.

$50 (Full series only. Single sessions are not available.)

Click here to register.

Nelda Samarel, EdD, a long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom, or Theosophy, has served as director of the Krotona School of Theosophy, western district director for the Theosophical Society in America, and on the executive board of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation. A retired professor of nursing and a researcher, she has been practicing and teaching Therapeutic Touch since 1980. Dr Samarel has numerous publications and presents internationally.


Jayne Fleener

Democracy and Theosophy: Living in Transformational Times

Onsite and Zoom

Weekend November 1 – 3

Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 am – noon, 2 – 4 pm, Sunday 1 – 3 pm PDT

This interactive workshop will explore the relationship between democracy and theosophy, with a specific emphasis on futures’ possibilities. Starting with what have been termed the fundamental flaws of democracy by Plato, Marx and deTocqueville, we will examine democracy’s promise for and connections with theosophical tenets and the creation of wisdom cultures. Connections between democracy and theosophy from early theosophical writings of Blavatsky, Besant, and Olcott will include the establishment of the TS in the United States, the role of religion in society, the focus on scientific exploration and innovation, and the support of cultural values for free will and universal brotherhood.

The four sessions will be organized by the “weight of history,” “push of the present,” and “pull of the future” to lead us to an engagement with theosophical futures. The pull of the future, in particular, will explore how our relationship with the future is changing with postnormal science in transnormal times, at the cusp of transformational change and the future of humanity. Our role as theosophists will be examined as the “karma of democracy” is explored.

Single session $15 Series $50

Click here to register.

Dr. Jayne Fleener is an educational futurist and currently dean and professor emerita at North Carolina State University. She was recently appointed to the international board of The Centre for Postnormal Policy and Future Studies and is an active member of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF) and the World Federation of Futures Studies (WFFS). She is an active member of the TSA and Krotona’s Partners in Theosophy initiative, and will be co-facilitating a course for the National Lodge Virtual Study Center on Theosophy and World Religions.


Eneida Elena Carbonell, Rozi Ulics, Joe Hasiewicz, and Kirk Gradin

First Biennial Gathering

Helena P. Blavatsky: Wisdom Teachings

for Challenging Times

November 15 – 17 Onsite and Zoom

Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 am – noon and 2 – 4 pm, Sunday 10 am – noon PST

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891), one of the Theosophical Society’s founders, has influenced significantly the thought of the Western world and brought important insights to inter-spiritual dialogue. Her extensive knowledge of the philosophies and religions of the world, wisdom of East and West, symbolism, metaphysics, esoteric philosophy, and the practical applications of all these to life, is reflected in 15 volumes of her Collected Writings. (See H.P. Blavatsky and Her Writings, Theosophical Society in America pamphlet)

Krotona’s H.P.B Wisdom Teachings gathering will alternate with our biennial fall Secret Doctrine Forum, inviting a wider, ongoing exploraton of HPB’s work in the context of today’s challenges and our responsibilities for humanity’s future.

Single Session $15, Weekend $50

Click here to register.

Friday Evening: Eneida Elena Carbonell

The Amazing Life and Influence of an Extraordinary Woman: HP Blavatsky

The narrative of HPB as a woman with unique abilities, her dedication to the Masters of the Wisdom, her travels and meetings with some of the most influential people of her time and her voluminous writings will be illustrated mainly as stated by Silvia Cranston in her book The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement.

Eneida Elena Carbonell is an Adult Education Math Instructor in Los Angeles. She is the treasurer of the España Lodge of the TSA in Los Angeles and currently leads the study of The Key to Theosophy.  She frequently gives Theosophical seminars and talks in Spanish for the Krotona School of Theosophy and for the Inter-American Federation.

Saturday Morning: Rozi Ulics

Wisdom From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan

Helena P. Blavatsky was a fearless, intrepid and determined warrior for Truth. She is a ready role model for these challenging times if we just look to her for guidance. We will explore major themes underlying Helena Blavatsky’s exciting “travelog” From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan to better understand this woman, her spirit and what she can impart to us for the challenges of today’s world.

Rozi Ulics is Vice President of the Theosophical Society in America (TSA). She has served in various offices for the Washington DC lodge and Mid-South Federation, as well as on the Board of the Theosophical Order of Service. She currently works as an economist measuring trade inflation for the U.S. federal government.

Saturday Afternoon: Joe Hasiewicz

Perceiving the Illusion

In The Voice of the Silence, Helena P. Blavatsky exhorts the spiritual aspirant to “seek out the rajah of the senses, the thought-producer (the mind), he who awakes  illusion” and slay him as he is “the great slayer of the real.” An early issue of Lucifer, a monthly journal of which Blavatsky was both editor and contributor, contains three short articles in which she provides some insight as to how we may begin to perceive the illusion thus produced. In this inquiry, we will examine those articles to better understand how we may better recognize illusion and see past it through self-knowledge, the understanding of desire and the awakening of the will.

 Joe Hasiewicz is former president of the Wheaton-Olcott Lodge of the TS in America and a people leader driving for technical innovation real-time data analytics software for industrial markets on cloud and on-premise platforms.

Sunday Morning: Kirk Gradin

The Moment of Choice Facing Humanity

H.P. Blavatsky depicted the 1800’s as a century more criminal than any other preceding it. In its final years, she spoke of a New Cycle emerging in which a mystic force would rise and move upon the face of the black waters of world civilizations. This force of unfolding mysticism could not be checked or stopped, and would naturally pit itself against the “seething cauldron of social life”, against materialism, religious sectarianism, dogmatism, hypocrisy and immorality, forcing humanity to choose between the opposing factions. We will join together to explore this prophecy and its relevance to the current historical moment.

Kirk Gradin has been a student of Theosophia since 1975 and an Associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists in Santa Barbara since 1979. He is a frequent presenter of theosophical themes at several venues and has written numerous articles for the Theosophical journal VIDYA, The Theosophist, and other printed publications. In 2018, Kirk co-founded Studio Vach, a YouTube channel, helping to write, edit, and produce a series of podcasts and videos on core introductory themes of Theosophia. Kirk is also an architect in private practice since 1995.


Alex Bianchi

Fathom the Mind, the Blazing Lamp for Good

Onsite and Zoom

Saturday November 23, 2024 10 – noon, 2 – 4pm PST

Since the mind is the source of our samsara or nirvana, it behooves the human being to fathom its nature in order to heal oneself and the environment all around, both being interdependent. We will explore together how the Blazing Lamp of the Mind can be trained in order to be a force of good for all beings. By discovering this inner nature, the practitioner will experience authentic well-being that does not depend on external stimuli and that will bring about a radical revolution from within. We will delve into practices that are conducive to sat-suka, real well-being, that allow one to flourish no matter the external circumstances.

Session $15 Full Day $25

Click here to register.

Alessandro Bianchi was born in Italy in 1962. He came to the US in 1989 and after a month discovered Theosophy through the efforts of the United Lodge of Theosophists Los Angeles. Since then, he has been an active force in divulging Theosophy in different languages translating the main works of HP Blavatsky, William Q. Judge and Robert Crosbie and at the same time he has fostered a conduct that nurtures the three objects, creating bridges with different spiritual traditions, among others Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan Buddhism.


David M Odorisio

Going “Beyond God”: Thomas Merton’s Universal Vision

Onsite and Zoom

Saturday December 7

10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm PST

Throughout the final year of his life, Trappist monk and celebrated spiritual author, Thomas Merton (1915-1968), wrote and spoke of a “universal consciousness” as one possible goal of the spiritual life. Following the influence of Sufi psychoanalyst, Reza Arasteh, and his notion of final integration, Merton developed his own understanding of what it might mean to become a “universal person.” A radical form of mystical practice, demonstrated by the 12 th and 13 th century Sufi masters, Ibn al-‘Arabi and Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, was tremendously formative for Merton in the late 1960s. This Sufi mystical tradition advocates for a form of consciousness that transforms the individual into a “universal person” through a process of mystical death and rebirth.

This workshop is an opportunity for in-depth study of this aspect of the Sufi tradition through the lens of a twentieth century “spiritual master,” Thomas Merton. His recently published California conferences offer a roadmap for a truly “trans-religious” consciousness with important implications for inter-religious dialogue and comparative studies. Participants will be offered ample time for guided contemplative practice and group discussion to make this a true “retreat” experience.

Single Session: $20, Full Day: $35

Click here to register.

David M. Odorisio, PhD, is Chair and Core Faculty in the Mythological Studies and Psychology, Religion, and Consciousness programs at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. He is editor of Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences and Letters, and Merton and Hinduism: The Yoga of the Heart. He currently serves as Co-Chair of the Mysticism Unit for the American Academy of Religion. David speaks regularly about, and leads retreats and workshops on, the life and writings of Thomas Merton.


Seminario Krotona con Martin Leiderman

Los Quince Puntos de la Sabiduría-Divina, Teosofía o Metafísica necesarios para el Auto-Descubrimiento y la Auto-Realización.

Diciembre 13 – 15

Viernes 7:30 – 9 pm, Sabado 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm, Domingo 10 – noon PST

El Dr. I. K. Taimni en su libro “Un Camino hacia el Autodescubrimiento” (anteriormente titulado “Auto-Cultura”) señala que, para descubrir y realizar nuestro más alto potencial, primero debemos sumergirnos en aquellas Ideas espirituales que, una vez traídas a nuestra atención, son evidentes por sí mismas.  En este libro, encontramos su resumen único en 15 puntos de todo el corpus de la Sabiduría-Divina o Teosofía. Estos nos servirán como peldaños hacia una mejor comprensión de nuestro lugar en el mundo en el que vivimos, con el fin de cumplir con nuestras responsabilidades para con nosotros mismos, nuestros semejantes y el hermoso planeta en el que vivimos.

 En este seminario exploraremos, estudiaremos y contemplaremos estas Ideas, ampliándolas con citas de La Doctrina Secreta de Blavatsky, la filosofía de Platón y otras tradiciones.

Sesión única $15 Fin de semana $50

Haga clic aquí para conocer más y registrarse

Martin Leiderman, nacido en Venezuela, es un ingeniero industrial jubilado. Él es un estudiante de Teosofía desde los a miembro vitalicio de la Sociedad Teosófica en América y conferencista nacional e internacional tanto en español como en inglés. Junto con su esposa, Susan, dirige el Grupo de Estudio Teosófico del Oeste de Los Ángeles. Además, Durante dieciocho años Martin fue miembro de la Junta Directiva del Instituto de Teosofía en Krotona Ojai, CA. Además de los estudios en Teosofía particularmente La Doctrina Secreta, Las Cartas de los Mahatmas y La Voz del Silencio; sus intereses incluyen el Antiguo Egipto, Platón y los neoplatónicos, la literatura hermética, la alquimia y la simbología comparativa de las tradiciones antiguas.

© 1924-2021 Krotona Institute of Theosophy