The Theosophical Society in the Ojai Valley

The Ojai Valley Lodge is a local branch of the Theosophical Society in America. It offers study meetings at Krotona School, 46 Krotona Street, Ojai, California. They are scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month, from 6:30-7:30 PM.

During these meetings, we sit in a circle to study a designated Theosophical topic. Each evening, we choose a moderator, read an excerpt, discuss it as a group, support each other, and exchange references and concepts. It is a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, focused on sharing our experiences with the text and with Theosophy.

Each year, our series of study meetings starts the first Tuesday of October and goes until the third Tuesday of May. Meetings are free of charge.

For a list of upcoming programs and information about membership, please email at

We hope to see you soon.

Daily Morning Meditation

A guided group meditation is held Monday – Friday, from 9 – 9:20 am, in Krotona Hall. The intention is to help us center ourselves in stillness and unity, so we may bring goodwill, peace and healing to all in need. All are welcome.

The Hall is adjacent to Krotona Library, and both doors to the foyer are open during the meditation.

We share the meditation below for those who are unable to attend in person.

From that center of peace within …

Theosophical Order of Service

The TOS-USA is part of an international organization that encourages inter-active participation by its members and the public in service projects to relieve suffering wherever it is found. They are an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Their members serve by working individually or through local or international TOS groups.

TOS-USA is not part of Krotona Institute.

For more information about the TOS-USA please contact them at and visit their website

For more information about TOS-International please contact them at and visit their website

Healing Service

The Krotona circle of the Theosophical Healing Network has postponed the meetings for the time being.

We hope you’ll join us when we resume our gatherings. It’s well-known that coming together creates a powerful healing effect. Everyone is welcome to attend, submit names, and be included on our list, regardless of your affiliation. Names typically remain on the list for one month, unless renewed.

In the US, names for this list may be sent to Kathy Gann at – both first and last names are preferred.

For the Love of Life

Personal and Group Retreats

Krotona Institute of Theosophy has opened the Kern Guest House units to visitors who wish to stay on campus for personal retreats. Small studio apartments are available for those persons who desire the support to deepen their spiritual practice or work on writing and research projects.

For information and an application contact us.

Work-Study Opportunities

Extended stays may be arranged for members engaged in theosophical research, project development, or who may wish to contribute to a specific area of Krotona’s outreach. For information and an application contact us.

© 1924-2021 Krotona Institute of Theosophy