Nurturing the Natural Spirituality of Youth

Rev. Jim Burklo

May 5 – 6
Friday 7:30 – 9pm (On site and Zoom)
Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4pm (On-site only)

Recent brain and behavioral research make it clear that spirituality is a universal, natural developmental process. These fresh scientific observations establish an imperative for all parents and educators to actively encourage the spiritual formation of young people.
This workshop will begin on Friday evening. Rev. Burklo will lead adult participants in a brief mindfulness meditation practice, and then give an overview of the recent brain and behavioral science of natural spiritual development. Resources will be introduced and explored to address how parents, educators, and mentors can attend to and nurture the spiritual experiences of young people.
Saturday will be on-site for caregivers and children. (Wear your grubbies because some of our sessions will engage in hands-on artistry!) In this session ritual will be explored that can be adapted at home. Children will be introduced to chants from the world’s religious and spiritual traditions while learning to create sand mandalas, prayer bead necklaces for meditation, and dorodangos– shiny mud-balls – a meditative Japanese art form.

To prepare for the sessions, participants are urged to read the resources at his website, Also, participants are urged to read The Spiritual Child by Dr Lisa Miller – an introduction to the brain and behavioral science of natural spiritual development.

Single session $15 Series $25

Rev. Jim Burklo has been a spiritual educator for over 40 years. He is the Executive Director of Progressive Christians Uniting, and is the founder of ZOE, a global network of progressive Christian groups at colleges and universities. He is the founder of, a resource for parents and educators to nurture of the spirituality of young people. Jim recently retired as the Senior Associate Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life at the University of Southern California. He served as chaplain to students and staff, supported spiritual and religious student organizations, and organized interfaith events on campus.
He and his wife Roberta live in Ojai, California.